quinta-feira, 1 de abril de 2010

Happy birthday Hinata

Fanfic de Hina-chancares8


"So Naruto…" Sakura began as she watched the blonde boy slurping up the noodles in his ramen bowl.

"Hm?" Naruto grunted his mouth full.

"What are you going to get Hinata for her birthday?" Sakura asked.

"Birthday?" Naruto asked slightly confused.

"Oh no! You idiot!" Sakura groaned. "Hinata invited you to her birthday tonight."

"Uh…oops?" Naruto said looking at Sakura sheepishly.

"NARUTO!" She shouted, making Naruto wince, preparing for her to strike.

However no smack came, instead he heard her get up and slam some money on the counter.

"You're not mad?" Naruto asked.

"Oh I'm mad." Sakura growled. "But instead of wasting my precious energy on you I want you to stop and think."

Naruto looked at her confused for a moment, mentally thinking 'Wow I got off easy this time.' But Sakura gave him a glare that froze his blood.

"I want you to think…of all the times Hinata has stood by YOU. Has taken the initiative and been there for YOU." Sakura said, her anger melting into disappointment. "Maybe the Hyuuga's have better vision then everybody thinks, because she saw in you something no one else ever has."

Naruto looked even more confused than before making Sakura even angrier. So angry in fact, that the hand cracked the wood of the counter.

"She loves you! God! If you stopped wasting your time on something that will NEVER happen," she said referring to herself. "And you opened your eyes; maybe your tiny brain would be able to register that there was someone else. Someone who only has eyes for you."

With that Sakura left the ramen bar so that she wouldn't cause any more damage with her massive strength. Naruto stared into the cloudy broth of his soup, his mind trying to absorb everything Sakura had told him.

'You're an idiot.' The nine tailed fox said simply.

He ignored his demon and laughed before attempting to eat again. But he soon found he was no longer hungry.

"Hinata-chan doesn't love me!" he said out loud. "Sakura-chan's wrong. She's been wrong before." Naruto reasoned.

Ayame looked at her father and he nodded, so she approached their best costumer cautiously and smiled softly.

"Hey Naruto." She said brightly.

"Oh hey Ayame." Naruto said distracted.

"I heard you and Sakura arguing." Ayame said.

"Yeah." Naruto answered.

"I also couldn't help over hearing that it was about Hinata-chan." Ayame continued.

Naruto nodded and then paused, glancing up at the young women. Ayame saw the confusion and gave him an encouraging smile, telling him to continue with what he was going to say.

"Sakura said, Hinata-chan loves me." Naruto began. "But she can't love me…she doesn't love me."

"If you're so sure of that then why do you seem so confused?" Ayame asked wisely.

"Well Sakura told me to think of all the times Hinata's been there for me, but I can't think of any." Naruto said.

Ayame felt of rush of anger at the blonde boy's idiocy but she forced it down and put on a not to convincing smile.

"Well I seem to remember someone's tenth birthday, and a certain Hyuuga being the only one who remembered." Ayame spoke, trying to give him some hints.

Naruto thought for a minute and the memory came flooding back, plain as day.

Flash Back

Naruto sat next to Sasuke at Ichiraku, the Uchiha ignored his babbling friend as he continued to eat slowly.

"Guess what today is Sasuke!" Naruto cried.

"Leave Sasuke alone day?" the Uchiha asked sarcastically.

"No!" Naruto yelled.

"Damn." Sasuke grumbled.

"It's my tenth birthday teme!" Naruto said offended.

"Hn." Was Sasuke's only response as he lifted his bowl to his mouth in order to drink the broth.

"N-Naruto-kun." A soft voice said from behind the two boys.

They both turned and saw a flushing Hyuuga Hinata, standing in front of them holding a perfect white cake with a crudely drawn orange fox on it.

"Oh hey Hinata." Naruto said absentmindedly before turning around to finish his food.

"U-Uh Naruto-kun I w-want to g-g-give you this c-cake for your b-bir…" She stuttered out her face red as a tomato but she never got to finish as Ino and Sakura came barreling towards them.

Everyone in the stand soon became engrossed in the oncoming collision as Hinata was knocked foreword landing face first into the cake she worked so hard on, splattering white and orange frosting

everywhere. Sasuke groaned and side stepped most of the frosting, however some still landed on his shorts. More frosting plopped into Naruto's ramen but the majority was on Hinata's face.

"Look what you did now forehead girl!" Ino cried.

"I didn't do it! You did it Ino you pig!" Sakura argued.

"Can you both just shut up?" Sasuke growled, grabbing the back of Hinata's jacket and hoisting her to her feet. "Instead of arguing over whose fault it is you should be apologizing!"

The two girls looked at each other before turning to Hinata and preparing to apologize but Naruto interjected.

"Hey! Don't yell at Sakura-chan Sasuke!" Naruto cried.

Sasuke looked at the blonde dumbfounded then looked at Hinata who had tears gathering in her eyes. He looked back at Naruto again a disgusted expression on his face making Naruto feel small. He grabbed a napkin and shoved it at the Hyuuga before turning to leave.

"Unbelievable!" Sasuke shouted speed walking away.

"H-happy b-b-birthday Naruto-k-kun." Hinata said softly trying to clean the frosting off her face.

"Oh yeah that's great Hinata-chan." Naruto said absently before turning to Sakura. "Wait up Sakura-chan let's go have lunch! Hinata's cake ruined my ramen!"

End Flashback

Naruto blinked a few times and then covered his face with his hands and sighed deeply.

"I am an idiot."

---Page break---

"Hinata-sama." Neji said opening her door slowly.

"Yes nii-san?" Hinata asked standing her lavender colored kimono matching well with his white one.

"The formal dinner is about to start." Neji said smiling at his cousin's anxious expression.

"And Naruto?" she asked breathless.

Neji frowned and noticed the tears that quickly gathered in Hinata's eyes. The elder Hyuuga tried to think of a way to keep his smaller cousin from crying.

"I t-think he might be on a mission." Neji said not noticing his momentary stutter.

"Don't l-lie to me N-neji." Hinata said weakly.

"He forgot." Neji said looking away.

He heard a shuddering sob and Hinata hugged herself tightly, letting a single tear slide down her made up face before turning to her cousin with a watery smile.

"I shouldn't keep my guests waiting should I?" she said linking arms with him.

"Of course not. But remember," he said looking at her with a smile. "This is the day you've been waiting for."

Hinata nodded, but she trembled with unshed tears.

---Page break---

Naruto stealthily climbed over the Hyuuga's garden wall. He silently cheered for being so stealthy and then he frowned, when he tried to get through the front gate they wouldn't allow him in. He shrugged before jogging as quietly as possible through the lush Hyuuga gardens. He counted at least five koi ponds before he came to a clearing. The flowers bloomed the best and the most beautiful here, the pale moonlight made everything glow almost as if everything was magic. He stopped when he noticed a dark haired girl in a black kimono practicing gentle fist movements slowly. Taking a deep breath he spoke.

"Hinata-chan?" he asked.

"No." was the cold reply. "I am Hanabi, Hinata's younger sister."

"Oh." Naruto said sheepishly. "I'm here for the party so if you could just point me in the direction I'll be on my way."

"This is an important night for onee-chan." Hanabi continued, her slow steady moves never ceasing. "After tonight she will be running the Hyuuga clan in my father's stead."

She whipped around a katana that had been hidden earlier pointing dangerously close to his neck, making him gulp.

"If you were invited why did you arrive by climbing over our wall?" she asked.

"W-well you s-see." He began nervously.

"Enough talk!" she snapped. "I will not let you ruin tonight for onee-chan!"

The blade came at him quickly. He barely dodged and made a mad dash for the closest door that led into the house. Hanabi followed closely behind, slashing with the Katana when she felt she could land a hit. Another door soon appeared and Naruto ran even faster before dashing into the room and slamming the door on the younger girl. He breathed a sigh of relief, but an aggravated clearing of the throat sent his heart racing again. He turned slowly and saw Hiashi standing before him.

"Uzumaki." He hissed through gritted teeth. "I thought I told the guards not to let you in."

"They wouldn't I snuck in." Naruto stated somewhat proudly.

They stood face to face in one of the many sitting rooms in the compound. There were two doors into the room, the one behind Naruto and the other behind Hiashi. A fire crackled in the fire place; an old samurai sword lay untouched on the mantle. Hiashi strode to it quickly and unsheathed it.

"You will never make my daughter cry again, Uzumaki!" he said seriously.

The door behind Naruto burst open and Hanabi pointed her sword to the blonde mans back.

"You made onee-chan cry?" she asked. "Then sir, you will not be leaving this house alive."

Father and daughter ran at the blonde menace trying to cut him to pieces. Naruto made it out the second door and used a shadow clone to block the way for a few moments. Each hall looked the exact same to him and he had no idea where he was going. The sound of splintering wood filled his ears. He sped up and suddenly he recognized voices coming from up ahead.

'I'm saved!' he thought as he entered the brightly lit room.

Everyone sat at a long white table, at the head sat Hinata. To Hinata's left Neji sat and on her right there was an empty seat and in front of her sat the biggest most decorative cake Naruto had ever seen.

They had just finished singing happy birthday and her eyes were closed as she made her wish. Hanabi and Hiashi burst into the room making Naruto jump on the table where he began to run before he tripped over a snoozing Shikamaru. Then everything went white. He sat up and wiped the cake chunks and white frosting from his eyes and mouth so he wouldn't suffocate. Looking around he assessed the damage.

Cake had splattered in Neji's hair and Naruto seemed to be sitting in the majority of it. He looked up and saw Hinata's stunned face, covered in her birthday cake. Her eyes were wide, tears threatening to leak out and her lips slightly parted. The blonde felt a pang in his heart and without realizing what he was doing he took a finger and gathered a glob of cake and frosting from Hinata's cheek and shoved the glob into her open mouth, surprising her further. He smiled warmly as her cheeks began to flush.

"Happy birthday Hinata-chan."

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